20 Men Volunteers Turn Cooks as Part of Appreciation to Women Beneficiaries and Awardees at Daughters of Tomorrow’s “Empowered Women, Great Moms Dinner Celebration”

Twenty men will spend an afternoon standing together in a small kitchen to prepare a special dinner for underprivileged kids whose mothers are beneficiaries of Daughters of Tomorrow (DOT), a young local charity (please find fact sheet attached). 

DOT is organising the “Empowered Women, Great Moms Dinner Celebration” to honour the successes and friendships of the women who have been on a journey with DOT since early 2015. In addition, the evening will also recognize graduates of its Confidence Curriculum programme.

DOT’s Confidence Curriculum is a series of workshops consisting of personal discovery, soft skills and communications, coaching and professional development modules designed to help women rediscover their talents and strengths while opening their minds to new and greater possibilities in life.

In all, four awards will be presented to women whom DOT has deemed as good role models with the progress and perseverance they have shown over the past year. In addition, DOT will be honoring key volunteers, as well as facilitating informal networking and dialogue between their beneficiaries and employer partners during dinner to help them understand each other better.

Please find the overview of the event below.  We cordially invite yourself/reporter /photographer and/or cameraman to cover the dinner preparation and/or the celebration event:

“Empowered Women, Great Moms Dinner Celebration”

Date/Time:          16th May 2016, Monday / 7pm to 9.30pm

Venue:                 Amara Hotel at 165 Tg Pagar Rd, Singapore 088539

Kindly RSVP to mel@daughtersoftomorrow.org by 14 May, or via whatsapp message to Wai Ling at 98464158.

Event Overview

(a)   Bento Workshop Programme:

Chef Anna Cooking Arts School

Atrix at Aljunied 82 Loring 23 Geylang #01-01, Singapore 388409

3.00pm:    Cooking demo and instructions by Chef Geri from My Nonna’s Social Enterprise Stalls

3.30pm:    Division of groups and roles; Cooking commences

5.30pm:    All bento boxes completed

                 Leave for Amara Hotel

6.00pm:    Arrive at Amara Hotel

The volunteers for the bento workshop will be coming from:

– MarkitSERV (http://www.markit.com/product/markitserv)

– a social enterprise called UNSAID (http://www.unsaid.sg/)

– a local construction firm – Yu Sin Engineering Work Pte Ltd

Appreciation Event Programme

6.45pm:    Registration for guests and media commences

7.00pm:    Arrival of Guest of Honourthe Honorable Kirk Wagar, U.S. Ambassador to Singapore                    

7.05pm:    Presentation of Certificates by Ambassador Wagar & Photo Taking

7.30pm:    Dinner  and networking commences

8.00pm:     Interview availabilities with graduates of DOT’s Confidence Curriculum

8.15pm:     Awards Presentation and Photo-taking with all awardees

                  Presentation of certificates and awards to volunteers

9.30pm:     End of event